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In South Kazakhstan region centers are open for Labor migrants

“Kazinform”, # 35 (119), 05/09/2008
T. Pylaeva

In South Kazakhstan region
centers are open for Labor migrants

   Centers are open to labor migrants in the Saryagashkom, Sairam, and South Kazakhstan regions. The centers will provide migrant workers with information, support, legal assistance, emergency assistance in crisis situations, and if necessary, send them to the Center “Sana Sezim”. The opening of the centers is one of the phases of the project “Providing legal aid to migrant workers in South Kazakhstan”, which is being jointly implemented by public association the Legal Center for Women's Initiatives “Sana Sezim” and the Open Society Institute (OSI) since 2006. According to the Legal Center, the relevance of the project is due to the development of migration processes in the south of Kazakhstan. Their magnitude in recent years indicates that it is critical because every year the flow of migrants is increasing. Among the major problems is that of mass illegal migration. In fact, this has led to a concentration of illegal migrants in the border areas of the field.
   Currently, cynical observers have also noted the proliferation of various forms of forced labor. Illegal migrants are a marginalized group and victims to various criminal practices of manipulating human beings (trafficking, slavery, and the organization of illegal migration).
   The aim “Sana Sezim” through this project is to provide legal assistance to migrant workers, to attract public attention to their problems, as well as to encourage public authorities to ensure the rule of law in labor migration.
   The project consists of an information campaign, the provision of legal aid, lobbying interests and the rights of migrants, operation a telephone “hotline”, and holding round tables with of senior members of migration services.