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Internship on the Improvement of Professional Skills

From 6 – 19 February, 2016, an internship was undertaken to improve professional skills. As part of the project, two representatives of civil society from Kazakhstan (from the NGO "Sana Sezim" - Liliya Khaliulina) were sent to participate in a two-week internship in Russian organizations (Fund "PSP Foundation" St. Petersburg, "Civil Assistance" Moscow) on the protection of the rights of migrant workers.

The internship provided an opportunity to get acquainted with the experience of Russian partners in monitoring violations of the rights of migrant workers and in providing them with practical human rights assistance. It is expected that the partners who have completed the internships within the framework of the project will later take part in activities such as regional round tables, research missions and lobbying for the developed recommendations at the national level. At the end of the internship, they will also have the opportunity to share their skills and experience with colleagues. Thus, they will play an important connecting role between different actors of civil society from Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.