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What is gender sensitivity?

“Yuzhnyi Kazakhstan”, №114(18.029), 23/09/2005
N. Kazorina

What is gender sensitivity?

   Already this year, at least 20 teachers in Shymkent will address the topic “Gender-based education in schools”. It will teach them how to conduct gender sensitivity training and ethics of violence against women and men, to boys and girls by the Legal Center for Women’s Initiatives “Sana Sezim”. The two-day workshop will be held September 26-27 at the Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Teachers. It will be financed by the Department of Internal Affairs SKO, thereby reaffirming the thesis of the cooperation “NGOs – power”.
   “The seminar is aimed at educating students and teachers,” says the main supervisor from the Center, H. Abysheva, and “This is a practical way of teaching gender equity, which eliminates discrimination on grounds of gender, to achieve real change in life, society and within every individual. Without a gender policy there can not be development in the country to a true democracy. Indeed, we women are still limited to a specific list of professions, positions with low status, and the unequal income opportunities for promotion. Socialization, or the influence of environment, leaves a negative trend, which remains a challenge for many families. Therefore, the seminar will address in detail the theme “The notion of gender”, “Gender differences”, “Sex and Gender”, “Socialization and sex” and others. After studying each teacher will receive a certificate giving them the right to educate other.