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Public defenders are helping to solve your problems!

“Omir-Aina”,# 46 (130), 12/12/2008
Staff Offices
Public Defender

Public defenders are helping to solve your problems!

   Human life is unpredictable; no one knows what will happen tomorrow. It could be joyful, fun and holidays, or family conflicts, problems at work, or other crisis situations. Often we do not know who can help solve our problems. We don’t know where to and what to do: whether to apply for assistance to law enforcement agencies or to hire a lawyer or ask the advice of a lawyer, or if there are any other possible solutions to problems. But these issues are often added to the shortage or lack of finance to pay for services (attorney, lawyer - a consultant, etc.).
   However, Article 13 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan states that “Everyone has the right to qualified legal assistance. In cases stipulated by law, legal assistance is provided free of charge.”
   Despite this, today there is a problem of public access to free legal aid. Residents of South Kazakhstan Region have an opportunity to take advantage of free legal aid. There have been initiatives to reform the system of free care, which will apply modern technology and dispute resolution through mediation in the pretrial order. It will also provide legal assistance in the form of consultations and participation in trials.
   The safety and well-being of people depends on how effective they will be assisted in the case. The uniqueness of this project is that the public defender provides legal aid to poor people in our country. The Public Defender will defend their rights and interests, assist in filling legal documents, complaints, prepare a statement to the government agencies and private organizations, assist in the writing of claims, the various letters, etc.
   The draft “The Office of Public Advocate - New opportunities for citizens” was designed by the Taldykorgan Regional Center for Democracy and the Legal Center for Women's Initiatives “Sana Sezim”.
   In the Office of the Public Defender there are free consultations with lawyers on employment, family conflict, housing, pension, delayed payment of wages, situations involving human trafficking and migration, as well as mediation about pre-trial settlements of disputes.
   Any citizen or immigrant may appeal to the Public Defender in the case of infringement of his rights by calling: 50-07-85 or 56-47-54. How many problems and misfortunes can you avoid if you are provided legal assistance!