Aspart of the organization's activities in the field of protecting the rights of women and children, on December 26-27, 2023, a 2-day training on the topic was held at the office of the PA LCWI “Sana Sezim”: “Psychological aspects when working with victims of domestic violence” for representatives of the unit for the protection of women from violence of the Police Department of the Turkestan region.
Duringtwo days, the participants discussed the practical implementation of changes and amendments made to national legislation on domestic violence. The participants gained knowledge about the psychological aspects of working with victims of domestic violence, what needs to be paid attention to when working with victims, what questions can be asked and which questions are not recommended, etc.
Duringthe training, practical tasks, group work, discussion, question-answers were provided, which will later serve as the application of the received skills are used daily at work.
We thank the leadership of the DP of the Turkestan region for their interest in raising the level of knowledge of the police, for cooperation to help protect the constitutional rights of citizens.