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Regional seminar «International and regional cooperation to curb illegal financial flows related to trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants»

From October 9 – 10, 2018, the regional seminar «International and regional cooperation to curb illegal financial flows related to trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants», was held Almaty and was organized by UNODC. The seminar was carried out within the framework of the UNODC regional program for Afghanistan and neighboring countries in collaboration with the Global Initiative on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Persons and the Smuggling of Migrants- GLO.ACT.

The regional seminar was attended by financial intelligence experts from the Central Asian region (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan), Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan and the NGO “Sana Sezim” (attended by Shakhnoza Khassanova) to discuss the intersection of illegal flows associated with trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants. At the seminar the role of financial regulators in the investigation process, the advantages of using joint investigation teams, as well as formal and informal channels of cooperation and the potential role of the private sector were examined. Victim-oriented approaches were presented by civil society, and current international standards for victim compensation and ways to improve financial investigations were discussed.

Experts from Afghanistan, The Internal Governance Sections of the United Kingdom, the Western Union and the UNODC on Money Laundering presented examples of successful practices in curbing illegal financial flows through several case studies from around the world.

Shakhnoza Khassanova shared the experience of the NGO “Sana Sezim” in assisting victims of human trafficking in investigation. CARICC and the Academy of law enforcement bodies of the General Prosecutor of Kazakhstan shared their experiences to promote the exchange of information and training of experts in the field of human trafficking. At the end of the workshop, participants worked in three groups, divided into countries of origin, transit and destination to identify the key actions to be taken for the successful investigation of suspicious cases of human trafficking and smuggling of migrants.

At the end of the regional seminar, the participants unanimously agreed on the need of further support and technical assistance provided by UNODC to promote regional cooperation and coordination to curb illegal financial flows related to human trafficking and smuggling of migrants. As well as the need for practical activities of existing informal working groups of experts and the support of civil society actors in the protection and assistance to curb trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants.
