A person is a product
«Rabat», № 32, August 10, 2011
Annually there are 200 cases of human trafficking in Kazakhstan, are ascertain in the International Organization on Migration. And our region is almost at the first place in the list where these crimes occur most often. . .
This problem was discussed at the “round table”. At the conversation were participated the representatives of the International Organization on Migration, the officers of Police and prosecution office, trade unionists. If earlier at the beginning of two thousandth, the victims often become Kazakh citizen at the travelling abroad but now the situation is changed. Now the territory of our republic has become a place where are sold “alive goods”
“People, who has never faced with such things, consider that there is no human trafficking”-said the national coordinator of International Organization on Migration Alia Alikova.- Not only in the framework of our program are found about 200 such facts. They are real people, who are suffered from the action of exploiters. A lot of them are from our neighborhood countries: Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. They are turned out here, their documents are taken and they are forced to work in a certain activity…”.
The representative of police Nurali Zhusupov , senior detective of the department on Combatting with Organized Crime, is agree with that Shymkent is the kind of a conduit for “alive goods”. But according to him only with forced methods this scourge cannot cope. Moreover, while the collection of evidence police have difficulties. “Even according to the application which came to the NGO “Sana-Sezim” –said a police officer –not all of them are brought to the logical conclusion. Why? It is difficult to prove. This year we detained the citizen under the Article 128 (Criminal Code of RK “Human Trafficking”). Recently he was given a sentence- 7,5 years in prison. Now he has submitted an appeal. On this case very laborious, time-consuming work was conducted. We still do not know what sentence the court will make. Every year with such cases more and more difficult…”.
There is another side of the problem. President of Legal Center for Women's Initiatives "Sana Sezim",Khadicha Abysheva has told about it. This organization more effectively combats with human trafficking and its consequences. Provides victims with legal and psychological assistance during the investigation, provides with shelter, food and clothes, which is very important. In addition, through various international organizations “Sana-Sezim” helps to recover documents and then to return home.
“But not everyone is ready to go and write an application to the law enforcement authorities for prosecuting a criminal case to tell about what is happened to them, - Khadicha Abysheva is confident –The reason can be the fear that relatives recognize about it, pimps and recruiters will avenge. Besides victims know that the investigation can take three-four months or even years! They are afraid of law enforcement authorities themselves: saying that law-enforcement authorities will ask “why you need to come here. . .”
The result performance of the police officer on Combatting with Organized Crime was general verdict: It is necessary to tighten the criminal penalties. But that is not enough, it is necessary to be able to create barrier for the loopholes through which such criminal cases often reeducated. In the end criminals get “ridiculous” terms, and sometimes they get off with suspended or administrative punishment. Real organizers of the trade often remain aside. In particular it appeals to the sex industry, which involves quite a lot of girls from neighboring countries. Ordinary executors fall into the prison but owners of hotels and saunas are not absolutely responsible. However, Alia Alikova said that now a new bill is being examined. If this bill come into force-legal persons will be responsible before the law.
Rinat Khamidulin.