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If he beats-means that he likes … to beat

“Panorama Shymkenta”  №21 (1099)
July 29, 2011

How do you think: Is the marriage certificate-license to violence covering women? It seemed that in a civilized society even if it happens, it is extremely rare.  But it is such a way to win “a happy family” adhere a part of men of the South Kazakhstan, they are no few. 

The age-old “battle of the sexes” usually ends with the defeat of representatives of excellent half of mankind. However, the impunity of men is caused by women who are not in a hurry to blame the spouse in waiving fists and they prefer to cry into the pillow.

If he beats he likes … to beat

 “Domestic violence of women, the problems and the ways of its solving”- a seminar  under this title was organized last week by the members of Commission for  women, Family and Demography policy under the Akim of Shymkent city, the representatives of the police department of Al-Farabi region and NGO “Sana-Sezim”. Participants of the meeting recognized: it is difficult to combat with domestic violence, but possible.

The main factors of domestic violence are gender inequality, poor social status, criminal past,- explains the chief inspector on protection of women from domestic violence Police Department  of Al-Farabi region Gulchekhra Mominova. For three month of this year the officers of our department passed 113 materials on domestic violence. Unfortunately, a large number of such facts remain unidentified and unpunished- women do not appeal to the police themselves, perhaps they took back application under the pressure of the husband or his relatives.

Such provision is set by the other law-enforcement authorities. According to the participants in uniform, more than half of the complaints they have to “close”. But the representatives of NGO , who deal with women’s issues , call the police to treat to such crimes intolerably and not to be limited only with protective order or administrative penalties .   

-Criminal law is applicable to the family member in the same extent that it is applicable to anyone who commits violence- says program coordinator of NGO “Sana-Sezim” Vera Zakutnyaya. Now the Law of Kazakhstan can protect women, but women do not want to help themselves or they do not know knowledge that would help them in these situations. Daily amount 10 women of domestic violence turn to our Center. They definitely need professional rehabilitation, unfortunately, there is no such a shelter in our city where women could receive medical, psychological and legal assistances.  

According to Vera Zakutnyaya, there are four types of domestic violence: physical, sexual, psychological incompatibility between spouses.

-It is especially characteristic for Southerners-continues the expert. –Because it happens that the marriage is an agreement by the parents, and future spouses create family, hardly get acquainted. 

Economic violence is often happens because of the social inequality of spouses: in this case a man is getter, who owned the family budget. A woman with her children especially cannot leave the family because of no education and skills that would ensure her at least some income.

I think that in the modern world, women should receive a professional education it is extremely necessary for her-said V.Zakutnyaya . –It allows women to be economically independent and do not afraid to leave the family where she is constantly beaten.

P.S: for the legal, psychological and social help for women who faced with the problem of domestic violence can turn to the 24-hour hotline in Shymkent: - +7(7252)551300.