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Domestic violence - no!

“Auyl zheriі”, № 42(58) 29/10/2004
Psychologist NGO “Sana Sezim”
V. Zakutnyaya

Domestic violence - no!

   Despite the fact that it is a new millennium, our world still deals with the issue of domestic violence. What is hidden behind these words? Domestic violence is a system where one person achieves or maintains power and control over another person in the household.
   Domestic violence can be directed to any of the family’s members: men, women, children, and parents; however, the facts show that most survivors of domestic violence are women.
   Domestic violence may begin simply with criticism, humiliation, slapping possibly, and then to regular beatings. Many families quarrel (for all sorts of difficult situations), but the question is how these conflicts are resolved.
   Unfortunately, loved ones (spouses, civil partners or husbands) insult and humiliate, do not allow visits from friends and relatives, shout, beat wives and children, force their wives to have sex against their will, and convince you that you can not properly manage the family budget.
   Law enforcement officials are not always able to bring a criminal case and punish the offenders for domestic violence, due to insufficient evidence.
   In Shymkent, the Legal Center for Women’s Initiatives “Sana Sezim” deals with people affected by violence, including domestic violence. We have been operating a telephone hotline, where you can receive information and psychological help.
   If you or your friends have been victims of domestic violence, then ask for help by calling: 21-61-52. You will be understood and answered!