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Read between the lines!

Yuzhnyi Kazakhstan, #29(18.100) 13/03/2006
N. Kazorina

Read between the lines!

   It would seem that there is no differences between the terms go to "work" and "employment". They seem to be one. In principle, this is true if you do not pay attention to their nuances. The word "work" suggests that this process will require effort and prohibits people from making the most informed choice. This becomes a problem because 34.3 percent of young people up to 24 years old are unemployed. Many agree to unpaid positions with a probationary period without wages, contracts, and agreements that don't comply with laws that guarantee pay, sick leave, leave, holidays, contributions to pension funds, etc… Unfortunately, these young people run the risk of becoming a victim to human trafficking. This problem is far from imaginary. In the 21st century, highly systemized networks of slavery are one of the most profitable criminal businesses worldwide. Girls from Shymkent are flown with false documents to brothels in the Arab Emirates, or through more complex methods, by train or bus to Egypt and Israel. Regional media accounts of this led a number of NGOs to open up phone hotlines, to address the legal education of young people.
   The Legal Center for Women's Initiatives "Sana Sezim" has done just that. Vera Zakutnyaya, a psychologist at "Sana Sezim", advises people on how to not get caught into human trafficking.
   Human trafficking sometimes does not seem like a relevant problem. Many think that it effects other people and they don't think that it could affect them, their relative, or their friends. But this is not so!
   How many people look through the newspaper ads for jobs? Someone does every minute, if not by necessity at least out of curiosity.
   What are they looking for? Certainly higher wages and a prestigious location. Many often stop to look at the proposals to work abroad. These ads argue that these jobs offer higher income, a more developed country, more career opportunities, etc…
   In what ways do they promise a "beautiful life"? Here are examples of several advertisements:

  • Looking for a European-looking girl to work for Xerox. (Why would appearance and gender of a worker be important for photo copying?)
  • Cyprus. Dancer needed. (Do you think that there is a shortage of dancers in Cyrus or that they might be interested in the folk dances of Central Asia?)
  • A new international campaign abroad. No age or education requirements. Wages over $500. (What type of work requires no knowledge, experience, or education? Would $500 be enough money for accommodation and food this other country?)
  • A girl to serve as an escort. (Often the title of escort does not only mean accompaniment to events, but often has other meanings like to provide sexual services.)

   There are many of these types of ads. People should check the accuracy of the information, ask for licenses, insist on signing an employment contract with the company that lists all the requirements and obligations, and get a work visa, but many people just believe in the word of representatives of the "campaigns". They typically are very sociable, erudite and pleasant people...
   Therefore, before saying "yes" and run the risk of being sold as a slave with no money, mental rest, opportunities, or communications with your family, get skilled care of a lawyer and a psychologist. Call the phone hotline at: 30-01-52. Our assistance is free and confidential.
   For young people looking for work this is necessary.